SPF specialty are the technical consoles for 24/7 control centers of intensive use, oriented to different market sectors. The philosophy of the SPF products is durability and provide the maximum safety of the installed equipment, always with avant-garde designs and complying with the most advanced ergonomics requirements.
Fixed consoles or sit / stand for operators and supervisors, meeting and crisis tables, auxiliary furniture, file and printer cabinets, reception tables, supports and structures for monitors and video wall. The SPF experienced engineering team will work closely with the customer to propose the perfect solution for any kind of control room, from 1 single operator room to a multi operators control center.
SPF products and solutions comply with the UNE-EN 527-2 :2017 and UNE-EN 11064-04:2013.
Consoles made to fit needs of today and tomorrow
Elite – future amazing
Elite_AIR – A SIT-STAND console
ELITE_AIRMax – Maximum level of ergonomics and equipment integration
Elite_Meet – Meetings like never before
VDS – Timeless efficiency
WIDESTAR – High Capacity and resistance